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Entry Requirements for EU and International Qualifications

Please choose the relevant country below for details of our entry requirements for an undergraduate or postgraduate degree course at 91Ƶ.

Students whose first language is not English will also be required to demonstrate proficiency in the English Language.

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 Points
  • 2-year Diploma/Technical Diploma Grade 14 with 70% average 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • A Master's degree with a 70% or GPA 3.0/4.0
  • Bachelor of Science (Engineering) degree from the University of Kabul with a 50% or GPA 3.0/4.0

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme 
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
  • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with an overall average of 7

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Successful completion of recognised Pre-Masters course e.g. CRIC
  • Diplomë e Nivelit të Pare / Bachelor (First Level (University) Diploma / Bachelor degree) with an overall average of 7
  • Diplomë e Integruar e Nivelit të Dytë (Second-Level Integrated Diploma) in Architecture, Dentistry, Medicine / Surgery, Pharmacy or Veterinary Medicine with overall avergae of 7. 

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 Points
  • Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire with overall 13
  • The Diplome de Technicien Superieur  with overall 13

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Licence  (4 years) with overall 13
  • Diplome (4 years) with a professional subject with an overall 13
  • Diplome d'Etudes Supereures  (4 years) with overall 13
  • Diplome d'Ingeneur from Technological Institutes (5 years) with an overall 13 
  • OR
  • Diplome D'Etat d'Ingineur/d'Architecture with an overall 13 

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme
  • IB Diploma with 24 points.
  • Bacharelato degree/Grau de Bacharel with a pass.

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Licenciatura / Grau de Licenciado/a to be considered on a case by case basis

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • IB Diploma with 24 Points
  • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
  • Associate degree / Diploma from a recognised instition with good grades 
  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 2. Bachelor degree from the University of the West Indies with 2:2 (GPA 2.0/4.0)

For admission in Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • IB Diploma with 24 Points 
  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
  • Título de Técnico Superior / Técnico Universitario with overall 8
  • Trayectos Tecnico Professional with overall 8

For admission into a Postgraduate degree programme:

  • 4 year Licentiatura with grade 7

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • A recognised foundation programme
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma 
  • International Advanced Levels (A Levels)
  • Senior Secondary Certificate of Education on completion of Year 12 with good grades, including: Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Year 12 Certificate,  New South Wales - Higher School Certificate (HSC), Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)/ Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET), Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE),  South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE), Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE).
  • AQF Certificate IV with good grades
  • Monash University Foundation with 50% or above in relevant subject

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • A recognised pre-Masters course
  • Bachelor Honours degree (4 years) with Second Class, Lower Division (division B/2) or above 
  • Bachelor degree (3 years) with 60% or above

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • A recognised foundation programme
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma 
  • International Advanced Levels (A Levels)
  • Reife und Diplomprüfung / Matura from Berufsbildende Höhere Schulen (BHS) or a Reifeprüfung /Matura from Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schulen with an overall grade between 2.6 – 1.6 depending on the course.

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Diplomastudium / Magister / Fachhochschuldiplom with a minimum grade of befriedigent
  • A recognised pre-Masters course

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme
  • IB Diploma with 24 points
  • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor's degree with an overall average of 60%
  • StudyNet Group Azerbaijan International Foundation Programme with 55%

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Bakalavr Diplomu (Bachelor degree) (awarded post 2004) with an overall average of 60%
  • Diplomu (Specialist Diploma) with an overall average of 60%

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • IB Diploma with 24 Points
  • 91Ƶ Approved Foundation Programme
  • Associate degree with 2.7/4.0

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 2:2 Bachelor's degree from the University of the West Indies

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme
  • 2 Year Diploma or Associate Degree with GPA 2.5/4.0
  • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with GPA 2.4/4.0

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Bachelors degree from University of Bahrain with CGPA 2.5
  • Bachelors degree from Arabian Gulf University with 65%

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
  • IB Diploma with 24 points
  • 2 year Bachelor degree in a related subject with 60%
  • Diploma (from the Bangladesh Technical Education Board or other recognised institution) in a related subject with 60% or above

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 2 year Master's degree (when following a 2 year Bachelor degree) with 60% (Grade B/CGPA 3.0) or above 
  • 4 year Bachelor degree from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) with 60% (Grade B/CGPA 3.0) or above
  • MBBS and BDS degrees with 60% (Grade B / CGPA 3.0) or above will be considered on an individual basis

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
  • IB Diploma with 24 points
  • 91Ƶ approved foundation programme 
  • GCE Advanced Level grades CCC
  • Associate degree from a recognised institution with good grades 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 2:2 Bachelors degree from the University of the West Indies

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Diploma of Specialised Secondary Education with average grades of 14
  • IB Diploma with 24 points
  • 91Ƶ approved foundation programme 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Specialist Diploma of overall 6
  • 2:2 Bachelors degree

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

The following awards with an overall grade between 50-80% depending on the course:

  • French Speaking Community: Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Superieur 
  • German Speaking Community: Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts
  • Flemish Speaking Community: Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Bachelor (post 2004) Licentiaat / Licencie with a minimum grade of 60%

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 6 CAPE(Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units/ CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 or above
  • 91Ƶ approved foundation programme
  • IB with 24 points
  • GCE Advanced Level grades CCC

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 2:2 Bachelors degree from the University of the West Indies (GPA 2.0/4.0)

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Diploma from Bermuda College with grade C
  • IB Diploma with 24 Points
  • 91Ƶ approved foundation programme

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Successful completion of recognised Pre-Masters course

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 91Ƶ Foundation Programme 
  • IB Diploma with 24 points
  • Diploma de Técnico Superior with 60%

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Licenciado / Título with 75%
  • 2:2 Class Honours degree 

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Diploma (awarded by the University of Botswana or accredited by the Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA))  previously the Tertiary Education Council (TEC) with Second Class - Lower  Division / Credit
  • Bachelors Degree 
  • 91Ƶ approved foundation degree 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 5-year Bachelor degree awarded by the University of Botswana or accredited by the Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA)
  • Successful completion of a pre-masters course 

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  •  Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor's degree with 2.8 on a scale of 1-4 or 7 on a scale of 1-10.
  • IB Diploma with 24 Points
  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Título de Bacharel / Título de [subject area] / Grau de Bacharel / Diploma de Bacharel with 2.8 on a scale of 1-4 or 7 on a scale of 1-10.
  • Título de Licenciado/a / Grau de Licenciado/a / Diploma de Licenciado/a with 2.8 on a scale of 1-4 or 7 on a scale of 1-10.

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  •  6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
  • Associate degree from a recognised institution with good grades
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 2:2 Bachelors degree from the University of the West Indies (GPA 2.0/40)

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  •  Brunei / Cambridge GCE A level grade CCC
  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme
  • IB Diploma with 24 Points 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Bachelors Degree (Honours) with Second Class or above

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Diploma za Sredno - Spetsialno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Specialised Education) with an overall grade from 4.7 to 5.6 depending on the course
  • Diploma za Zavarsheno Poluvisshe Obrazovanie (DZPO) (Diploma of Intermediate Higher Education) with an overall grade from 4.7 to 5.6 depending on the course

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Diploma za Zavarsheno Visshe Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Higher Education) with Dobur
  • Bakalavr with Dobur
  • Professional Bachelor; Bachelor degree (awarded from 2003) with Dobur

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 2-year Associate degree / Diploma with 70%
  • IB Diploma with 24 Points
  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation programme 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Bachelors with 2:2 Honours or 5 year Bachelors with 70%

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • GCE Advanced Level grades CCC
  • IB Diploma of 24 points 
  • 91Ƶ Foundation Programme
  • Baccalaureat with an overall score of 12-13

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Sucessful completion of recognised Pre-Masters course eg CRIC
  • Licence(Bachelors Degree) with Second Class (Lower Division) Honours or GPA 2.5/4.0
  • Licence/ Diplôme d'Ingénieur (Assez Bien or above)

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Canadian High School Diploma with an overall score between 65-75% or five B’s in five grade 12 subjects.

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Bachelor degree (Honours) / Baccalauréat / First Professional Degree (Grade Professionnelle) with a GPA of 2.7/4.0

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
  • IB Diploma with 24 points
  • Associate degree from a recognised institution with good grades 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 2:2 Bachelors degree from the University of the West Indies

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Licencia de Educacion Media with average grade 6
  • 91Ƶ approved foundation programme
  • IB Diploma with 24 points

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 5 Year Licenciatura or 4 year Bachiller with an average of 5

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
  • IB Diploma with 24 points 
  • Chinese Senior Secondary School Graduation Certificate with 80% result performance
  • Chinese National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) (Gaokao) with 70% result performance
  • Graduation Certificate from a Specialised College (Zhongzhuan) or a Vocational Secondary School (Zhongzhi / Zhigao) with 70% result performance
  • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised undergraduate programme with 70% result performance.
  • Pass in the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) (Gaokao) with 70%

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • 4-year Bachelor degree awarded by a recognised Chinese university (Prestigious/Regular/Private) with 70% result performance or above
  • 4-year Bachelor degree from a private University/College (Affiliated/Independent) with 70% or above
  • 4-year Bachelor degrees from Non-Prestigious institutions will be assessed individually (refer the China International Officer for further info)
  • Successful completion of 3-year University-Level Diploma (Zhuanke / Dazhuan / Gaozhi) in a relevant subject with a final average of 80% or above in a relevant subject PLUS a minimum of 3 years of appropriate post-graduate employment experience, to be considered on an individual basis. 
  • Successful completion of Pre-Masters programme from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Técnico Profesional with good grades (please refer to NARIC for information on grading systems)
  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation programme 
  • IB Diploma with 24 Points
  • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor's degree with 3.0/5.0
  • Qualifications awarded by SENA should be assessed on a case-by-case basis

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Licenciado en [subject area] with 3.0/5.0
  • Título de [subject area] / Profesional en [subject area] / Maestro en [arts subject] with 3.0/5.0

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Diplomado or Técnico Superior with 7
  • IB Diploma with 24 points 
  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation programme 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Licenciado with 7.5
  • Bachiller with 8

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Svjedodžba o maturi / Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi / Potvrda o položenim ispitima državne mature (Matura CertificatState Matura Certificate) with an overall average of 3
  • IB Diploma with 24 points 
  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
  • Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu (Certificate of Completed Education) when studied for 4 years or more with an overall average of 3 

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Baccalaureus / Baccalaurea (Bachelor degree) with an overall grade of 3
  • Diploma - Visoko obrazovanje / Diplomirani [professional title] / Diploma o stečenom visokom obrazovanju / Diploma o stečenoj stručnoj spremi sedmog stupnja (Advanced Diploma of Higher Education (Level VII/1 Diploma): 4-6 years) with 3.

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Título de Técnico en [allied health disciplines] awarded by the Institutos Politécnicos de la Salud (IPSs) for entry to our undergraduate health degrees with 4.0/5.0
  • First year of Bachelors with average of 4.0/5.0

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Título de Licenciado / Arquitecto / Doctor / Ingeniero with 4.0/5.0

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Apolytirion of Lykeio with a minimum overall of 16

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Ptychion (bachelors degree) when studied at Open University of Cyprus, University of Cyprus, and Cyprus University of Technology with a minimum of 60%
  • Four-year Bachelor's degree with a minimum of CPGA 2.75/4.00 or 3.25/5.00

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Maturitní Zkoušce/ Maturita with 2.4 or above

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Bakalář with minimum grade 2.0-2-2 (dobre)

For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

  • Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen, Bevis for Højere Handelseksamen (HHX) / Bevis for Højere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX)
  • Bevis for Studentereksamen  with an overall grade between 7.0-10.0 depending on the course.

For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

  • Candidatus Magisterii or a bachelor degree
  • Professional Bachelors Degree  with a minimum grade of 7 (post-2007) or 9 (pre-2007).

      For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

      • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
      • IB Diploma with 24 points 
      • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

      For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

      • 2:2 Bachelors degree from the University of the West Indies with 2:2 (GPA 2.0/4.0)

      For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

      • Título de Técnico / Técnico Superior with good grades (please refer to NARIC for information on grading systems)
      • Tecnólogo in related subjects to be studied with grade 31 – 70
      •  Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with good grades
      • IB Diploma with 24 points 
      • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

      For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

      •  Título de Licenciado / Título de [subject area] with good grades (p

      For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

      • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised undergraduate degree with 60-65%
      • Al-Azhar Training Diploma with 60-65%
      • Diploma (2 years) from Technical / Commercial / Industrial / Health institutes with 50% (pass)
      • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points

      For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

      • Bachelor degree from a recognised university with overall 60%
      • Bachelor degree from a recognised higher institute with overall 60%, when presented with a statement issued by the Supreme Council of Universities confirming the equivalence with Bachelor degrees awarded from recognised Egyptian universities

      For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

      • Gumnaasiumi Loputunnistus with a pass together with an appropriate overall grade earned on the Riigiekamid (Upper Secondary National Examination) or Diplom 

      For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

      • Successful completion of the Bakalaurusekraad with a minimum grade of 4.0 or B
      • Spetsialisti diplom kõrgema kutsehariduse omandamise kohta (Specialist's Diploma of Higher Professional Education) or bachelor’s degree (post-2002) with a minimum grade of 4.0 or B

          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

          • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
          • IB Diploma with 24 points 
          • Middle-Level TVET Level 4 Training Programme - Pass with C or ‘Satisfactory'
          • Advanced Diploma (12+3) awarded by a public university or a private university approved by the the Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA) with good grades

          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

          •  Master's degree awarded by a public university or a private university approved by the the Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA) with good grades (please refer to NARIC for information on grading systems)

          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

          • Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen with an overall grade between 4 and 7 depending on the course.

          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

          • Kandidaatti/ Kandidat ( Ekonomi, Diplomi-insinööri, Arkkitehti, Lisensiaatti Proviisori) with minimum grade of 1
          • Lisensiaati / licenciat with minimum grade of 1

          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

          • Baccalauréat, Baccalauréat avec Option Internationale, Baccalauréat Professionnel
          • Baccalauréat Technologique with an overall grade from 11 to 13.5 (A to D) depending on the course

          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

          • Licence Professionelle (when studied before 2008) with an overall grade from 11 (Assez Bien) to 15 (Tres Bien)
          • Maîtrise (last date of award 2009) or Diplôme d'Ingénieur with an overall grade from 11 (Assez Bien) to 15 (Tres Bien)

            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

            • IB Diploma with 24 points
            • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
            • Technician Diploma studied at the Gambia Technical Training Institute with good grades to be considered on a case by case basis.
            • WAEC WASSCE – 5 subjects at grade A1,B2, B3 including Maths (and English grade C)

            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

            • Bachelor degree from the University of the Gambia with QPA 3.0/4.3
            • Master's degree with QPA 3.0/4.3

            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

            • Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife, Abitur
            • Fachhochschulreife with an overall grade minimum note of 2.5 depending on the course

            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

            • Diplomastudium, Magister (studied before 2002) or Fachhochschuldiplom with a grade of 1 to 3 (Sehr Gut, Gut, Befriedigend) depending on the course

            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

            • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme
            • IB Diploma with 24 points
            • Ordinary National Diploma with Lower Credit
            • University Certificate with Second Class (Lower Division)
            • WAEC WASSCE/SSCE - 5 subjects at grade A1,B2, B3 including Maths (and English grade C)

            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

            • ABachelor degree with Second Class (Lower Division) or equivalent

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Apolytirion of Lykeio with a minimum overall of 16

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • ΠΤΥΧΙΟ (Ptychio) (Diploma/Degree (AEA)) with a minimum of 5.3-6.49
              • Holders of the Metaptychion Spoudon Diploma (Master's degree) or higher qualifications will also be considered

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
              • IB Diploma with 24 points 
              • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
              • Associate degree from T.A. Marryshow Community College with good grades 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • 2:2 Bachelors degree from the University of the West Indies (GPA 2.0/4.0)

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              •  91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
              • IB Diploma with 24 points
              • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
              • Associate degree / Associate of Science / Diploma from a recognised institution with good grades 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • 2:2 Bachelor's degree from the University of the West Indies (GPA 2.0/4.0)

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Diplôme d'Études Supérieures / Professional title with good grades
              • IB Diploma with 24 points 
              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Successful completion of recognised Pre-Masters course e.g. CRIC
              • 2.2 Class Honours 

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE): four core subjects and two electives with the combination of Grade 3 and above to meet the UCAS Tariff points required
              • Hong Kong Advanced Level (HKALE): comparable to UK A level and UCAS Tariff except maths and science subjects are compared a grade above in comparison to the UK A level
              • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Bachelor degree (Honours) with Second class Honours, lower division

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Érettségi Bizonyítvány or Matura (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) with a minimum grade of 3.5 to 5 in all subjects (depending on the course) including 2 subjects at Advanced level. The 2 subjects at Advanced level should be related to the intended degree course eg, Maths and Biology for Life Sciences.  
              • Or Szakközépiskola Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Vocational Secondary School Leaving Certificate)  

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Egyetemi Oklevel  Grade 3 (Közepes) or above

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Stúdentspróf (academic) (Matriculation Certificate) Stúdentspróf (bóknámsbraut) Studentsprof with grade 6
              • Stúdentspróf (post-vocational) (Matriculation Certificate) / Viðbótarnám til stúdentsprófs with grade 6
              • IB Diploma with 24 Points 
              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Baccalaurreatus Degree with grade 7.25 or above

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • HSC/Standard 12 with an overall average of 50% from the West Bengal exam board  
              • HSC/Standard 12 with an overall average of 55% from the following exam boards: CBSE, Delhi, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu
              • HSC/Standard 12 with an overall average of 60% with at least 40% in a minimum of 5 subjects from any other exam board
              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme
              • IB Diploma with 24 Points

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Bachelor degree from the University of Dehli or the University of Calcutta with 45%
              • Bachelor degree from all other recognised institutions with 50% (Second Class)

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with a CGPA of 2.7
              • Diploma I (D1) / Ahli Pratama (A.P.) with good grades
              • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Bachelors Degree (Sarjana S1) degree with a CGPA of 2.7 or above

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Pre-University Certificate (Peeshdaneshgahe) with an overall average of 12/20
              • High School Diploma when studied for 4-5 years with an overall average of 14/20
              • IB Diploma with 24 Points 
              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Bachelor Degree / Licence (Karshenasi) with average 12/20

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • 2-year Diploma of Technician / Technical Diploma with 65%
              • Successful completion of the first two years of a recognised bachelor degree with 60%

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • 60-69% final mark in a Bachelor's Degree

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Irish Leaving Certificate with an applicable number of required UCAS Tariff points for your chosen course from 5 Highers. Most 91Ƶ courses require between 200–300 UCAS Tariff points 
              • Applicants should obtain at least 4 Irish Highers at grade C or above (H4 or above).
              • Successful completion of relevant FETAC/QQI qualification

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Undergraduate Honours degree with minimum Second Class Honours, grade 2

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Matriculation Certificate (also known as: 'Te'udat Bagrut' or 'Bagrut') with 75%
              • IB Diploma with 24 points
              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Bachelors degree with average grade 75%

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Diploma di Esame di Stato with a minimum overall grade of 65

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Diploma di Laurea or Licenza di Accademia with a minimum grade of 84

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degre/Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire with 14
              • IB Dipolma with 24 points
              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Maitrise from the University of Bouaké or the Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (previously University of Cocody) with grade 12

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
              • Associate degree from a recognised institution with good grades 
              • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Bachelor degree from the University of West Indies with 2:2 or above
              • Bachelor degree accredited by the University Council of Jamaica or awarded by the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica with 2:2 or above 

              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

              • Successful competition of at least one year of undergraduate studies at a recognised university in Japan with a GPA of 2.8/4.0 or equivalent

              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

              • Bachelor degree with overall GPA 2.8/4.0 or equivalent
              • Associate degree / Diploma followed by a 2-year top-up Bachelor degree programme at a recognised institution with grade requirements as above.

                For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                • Tawjihi with an average grade of 60% plus a Community College Certificate/Diploma with average 50%
                • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                •  CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme

                For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                • Bachelor degree from the University of Jordan with CGPA 2.3/4.0
                • Bachelor degree from other recognised universities with CGPA 2.4/4.0

                  For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                  • Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education with "Good" grades / an overall average of 4
                  • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with a CGPA of 3.0
                  • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                  • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme

                  For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                  • Bachelor degree (Бакалавр дипломы) with a final GPA of 3.0
                  • Specialist Diploma (Мамаң дипломы) with a final GPA of 3.0

                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                    • Exceptional grades in KCSE - Grade A or B in English and Maths and a mean grade of B in 8 subjects   
                    • Ordinary Diploma with 50%
                    • IB Diploma with 24 points
                    • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                    • Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours (lower division)

                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                    • Diploma / Certificate from an Institute approved by the PAAET (Public Authority for Applied Education and Training) with 70%
                    • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                    • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                    • Bachelor degree with a final grade of 2.5/4.0

                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                    • Specialist Diploma / Diploma of Secondary Specialised Education with overall 4
                    • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points

                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                    • Bachelor degree with overall 4
                    • Specialist Diploma with overall 4

                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                    • Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) Diploma / Middle Diploma with 3.0/4.0

                    For admission onto a postgraduate programme: 

                    • Master's degree with 3.0/4.0

                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                    • Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu with a minimum overall of 6.5 depending on the course

                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                    • Bakalaurs or Professional Bachelors Degree (studied before 2002) with overall grade of C (6-7)

                      For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                      • IB Diploma with 24 points
                      • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                      For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                      • Bachelor degree / Licence with a CGPA 2.4/4.0 or 12/20 or 60% (or 70% where the university pass mark is 60%)

                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                        •  Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree/undergraduate diploma with 65%
                        • 91Ƶ-approved Foundation Programme 
                        • IB diploma with 24 points 

                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme: 

                        • Bachelor degree with 65% or equivalent

                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                        • Brandos Atestats with an average of 7/10 or above or any equivalent examination

                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                        • Bakalauras with an overall mark of 7/10 or above
                        • Magistro diplomas (Master's degree)  with an overall mark of 7/10 or above

                        For admission into Year 1 of an Undergraduate Degree Programme:

                        • Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires or Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires techniques with an overall grade of 41-60 depending on the course

                        For admission into a Postgraduate Degree Programme:

                        • Bachelor (post 2002) with a minimum grade of 35 (passable)

                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                        • Matura/Secondary School Leaving Diploma with an overall average of 4 or above
                        • Secondary School Leaving Diploma with an overall average of 4.0
                        • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                        • Secondary School Leaving Diploma with an overall average of 4.0

                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                        • Bachelor degree with an average grade of 7
                        • Diploma of Completed Higher Education (Level VII/1) with an average grade of 7

                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                        • STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) (Malaysia Higher School Certificate) with 3 Principle passes grades CCC
                        • Polytechnic or Post-secondary College Certificate in relevant subjects with Grade C/Credit
                        • Matrikulasi (Matriculation Certificate) with a GPA of 2.5
                        • UEC (Unified Examination Certificate) Senior Middle Level with an overall mark of 75% / B3
                        • A pass in the ASASIpintar (Pre-University Program)
                        • INTI International University (Malaysia) foundation programme with an average B

                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                        • Bachelor degree with Class 2 division ii
                        • Advanced Diploma awarded by TAR College with CGPA 2.5

                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                        • Advanced Matriculation or Matriculation Certificate Examination (when studied at University of Malta) with a grade between C-A depending on the course

                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                        • Bachelor with a minimum grade of 55%

                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                        • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                        • Cambridge Higher School Certificate with 3 Principle passes grade CCC
                        • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme 

                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                        • Bachelor degree with Class II, division ii

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree Programme: 

                          • IB Diploma with 24 Points
                          • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
                          • Título de Técnico Superior Universitario / Título de Profesional Asociado with a pass

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Título de Licenciado / Título (Profesional) de [subject area] with 8/10

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • Moldoval Bacalaureat with overall 7 or above 
                          • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                          • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Diplomă de Licenţă (Bachelor degree) with an overall average of 7/10

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
                          • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                          • Associate degree from a recognised institution with good grades 
                          • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Bachelor degree from the University of the West Indies with 2:2 (GPA 2.0/4.0)

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • IB Diploma with 24 Points 
                          • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 
                          • Diplôme du Baccalauréat with an overall grade of 14 or above

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Licence or Maîtrise with an overall grade of 12 or above

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC) / GCE A level grades CCC
                          • Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma awarded after 3 years of study with an average of 60%
                          • Polytechnic Diploma when studied for 3-4 years with an average of 60%

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Bachelor Honours degree or Professional Bachelor degree (awarded after 2008) with an overall average of 60% (Grade C)

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • Higher Secondary Education Board Examination Certificate with 60%
                          • National Examinations Board- School Leaving Certificate (XI & XII) with GPA 2.8 or above
                          • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                          • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Bachelor degree when awarded after 4 years or more with 65% (First Division)
                          • Master's degree (following a three-year Bachelor degree) with 65% (First Division)

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) / MBO Middenkaderopleiding (level 4) with average of at least 7

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Getuigschrift Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO) - Higher Professional Education Diploma (till 2001) with an overall grade of 7
                          • Three year Bachelors Degree (post 2002)
                          • Doctoraal (confers title of either drs, mr or ir) with an overall average of 7

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 with with pass (achieved)
                          • Massey University - Certificate in Foundation Studies with 50%
                          • IB Diploma with 24 points
                          • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Bachelor Honours degree with Second Class (Division II)
                          • Bachelor degree (3 years) with overall grade C

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • Ordinary National Diploma / National Diploma / University Diploma with Lower Credit (2.2)
                          • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division)
                          • University Foundation Programme from Bridge House College (Ikoyi, Lagos), Global International College (Lagos or Abuja), Cambridge College (Ikoyi, Lagos) with an overall average of 50% or above
                          • University Foundation from Wisdom House College with an overall average of 55% or above
                          • WAEC WASSCE or NECO SSCE -  5 subjects at grade A1,B2, B3 including Maths (and English grade C).  

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • Vitnemål fra den videregående skole (Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School) with overall grade 4.0.
                          • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                          • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme 

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • Bachelorgrad (Bachelor degree) awarded after 2002 with average grade C
                          • Candidatus/a magisterii (cand. mag.) with average grade C
                          • Sivilingeniør (siv. ing.) (Engineering degree) or Siviløkonom (siv. øk.) (Economics degree) with average grade C or equivalent

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          • Oman A Levels

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                          • 4 year Bachelors Degree with GPA 2.5/4.0 from Sultan Qaboos University or the College of Laws
                          • Bachelors Degree 2.75/4.0 from other recognised private universities and colleges

                          For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                          •  2-year Bachelor degree with an overall average of 60% (Division I)
                          • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                          •  CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme

                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                            • 4-year Bachelor degree with an overall average of 60% (Division I)
                            • 2-year Master's degree (when following a 2-year Bachelor degree) with an overall average of 60% (Division I)
                            • 3- year LLB with an overall average of 60% (Division I) will be considered for entry to LLM.

                            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                            • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                            • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme (see list accessed from main menu)
                            • Título de Técnico Superior with grade "good" (bueno)

                            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                            • Título de Licenciado with grade "good" (bueno)

                            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                            • Título de Profesional Técnico with 14/20
                            • IB Diploma with 24 points
                            • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                            • Grado Académico de Bachiller with 14/20
                            • Título de Licenciado / Título (Profesional) with 14/20

                            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                            • Successful completion of the first 3 years of a recognised bachelor degree with overall "good" 
                            • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                            • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme (see list accessed from main menu)

                            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                            • Bachelor degree with overall "good" awarded by Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University - Manila, University of Santo Tomas or University of the Philippines - Diliman. 

                            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                            • Swiadectwo Dojrzałości / Matura with overall average of 60-65% including a minimum of two subjects at Extended level

                            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                            • Licencjat/Inzynier Bachelor Degree with an overall grade of C/4/Good or higher
                            • A recognised pre-masters course

                            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                            • Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundarios (also referred to as Diploma de Ensino Secundario) with minimum overall of 14 depending on the course
                            • A recognised foundation programme
                            • International Advanced Levels (A Levels)
                            • International Baccalaureate Diploma

                            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                            • Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados (DESE) with an overall grade of 14/ Bom or above

                                For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor's degree with CGPA 2.6
                                • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                                For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                • Bachelor degree with CGPA 2.6

                                  For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                  • Diploma de Bacalaureat with a minimum overall of 7.5

                                  For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                  • Diplomã de Licentã / Diplomã de Inginer / Diplomã de Arhitect with a minimum grade of 7

                                  For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                  • Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education (basic level) (awarded post-1994) with an overall average of 3.5
                                  • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelors degree with an overall average of 3.5
                                  • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                  • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme 

                                  For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    • Bachelor degree (Диплом Бакалавра) with an average of 3.5 (Transliteration: Diplom Bakalavra)
                                    • Specialist Diploma (Диплом Специалиста) with an average of 3.5

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with a GPA of 2.5
                                    • Diploma from a Technical College / Vocational Institute (Technician / Technical Diploma) awarded by institutes / colleges recognised by the Technical & Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) with GPA 3.0/5.0
                                    • Diploma from a Health College / Institute (Technician / Technical Diploma) awarded by institutes / colleges recognised by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS), the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Defence and Aviation with GPA 3.0/5.0
                                    • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                    • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme (see list accessed from main menu)

                                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    •  Bachelor degree with GPA 3.0/5.0 or 2.6/4.00

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • Diplôme d'Études Universitaires Générales (DEUG) with overall 12-13.9/20 (assez bien)
                                    • Diplôme Universitaire d'Études Littéraires (DUEL) with overall 12-13.9/20 (assez bien)
                                    • Diplôme Universitaire d'Études Scientifiques (DUES) with overall 12-13.9/20 (assez bien)

                                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    • Diplôme d'Ingénieur, Diplôme d'État de Docteur en Médecine, Diplôme de Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire, Diplôme de Pharmacien with overall 12-13.9/20 (assez bien)
                                    • Diplôme d'Études Approfondies (DEA) with overall 12-13.9/20 (assez bien)
                                    • Diplôme d'Études Supérieures Specialisées (DESS) with overall 12-13.9/20 (assez bien)

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • Secondary School Leaving Diploma with an overall average of 4 or above

                                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    • Diplom Visokog Obrazovanja with average grade of 7

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • Ordinary National Diploma / National Diploma / University Diploma with Lower Credit
                                    • WAEC WASSCE - 5 subjects at grade A1,B2, B3 including Maths (and English grade C)
                                    • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                    • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme 

                                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    • Bachelor degree (Honours) with Class II (lower)

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme 
                                    • Singapore/Cambridge O Levels and A Levels with grades CCC
                                    • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points

                                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    •  Bachelor degree with Second Class (Lower) Honours

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • Maturitna skuska/ Maturita with an average of at least 2.4 or any equivalent examination

                                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    • Successful completion of the Bakalar with an overall grading of at least 3 (Dobry)

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • Maturitetno spričevalo with an overall grade with a minimum of 3.25 depending on the course

                                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    • Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi or Univerzitetni diplomant with a minimum grade of 7.0

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • Secondary School Leaving Certificate with grade 60% in each subject plus successful completion of the first year of a  Bachelor/Laurea degree with good grades awarded by a recognised institution.

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • Senior Certificate with matriculation endorsement and at least 5 subjects passed at Grade 5/60%
                                    • National Senior Certificate with at least 5 subjects passed at Grade 5/60%
                                    • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points

                                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    • Successful completion of recognised Pre-Masters course e.g. CRIC
                                    • Bachelor Honours degree with Second Class (Division Two)
                                    • Professional Bachelor degree with Second Class (Division Two)
                                    • Bachelor degree (in medicine/dentistry / veterinary science), with Second Class (Division Two)
                                    • Bachelor of Science (non-honours), when registered at Level 8 on the SA NQF, with Second Class (Division Two) 

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                    • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme 
                                    • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                    • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised undergraduate programme with a CGPA 2.8/4.0 or 3.0/4.5

                                    For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                    • Bachelor degree with an overall GPA of 2.8 / 4.0 or 3.0 / 4.5 or equivalent
                                    •  Associate Degree / Junior College Diploma followed by a 2-year top-up Bachelor degree programme at a recognised institution with grade requirements as above.

                                    For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                      • Curso de Orientacion Universitaria (COU) / Titulo de Bachillerato with a minimum overall average of 6.5 depending on the course

                                      For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                      • Licenciado / Titulo de Ingeniero / Titulo de Arquitecto with a minimum mark of Aprobado

                                      For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                      • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                      • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Course
                                      • Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education (Advanced level) grades CCC

                                      For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • A recognised pre-masters course
                                        • Bachelor degree with 55% (Lower Second Class)

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • 5 CXC (Carribean Examinations Council) plus A levels / Associate Degree / Carribean Advanced Proficiency Exam (CAPE)

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • 2:2 Bachelors degree from the University of the West Indies

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
                                        • Associate degree from a recognised institution with good grades 
                                        • IB Diploma of 24 points
                                        • 91Ƶ approved Foundation degree 

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • Bachelor degree from the University of the West Indies with 2:2 (GPA 2.0/4.0) 

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • Diploma (between 2 and 4 years) from a recognised Higher Institution with a CGPA 2.5 / 60% / B / Good
                                        • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                        • 91Ƶ Approved Foundation Programme 

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • Bachelor (Honours) degree with Second Class (Division II)
                                        • Bachelor degree in a professional subject (Architecture, Dentistry, Engineering, Medicine/Surgery) with 60% / B / Good
                                        • Successful completion of recognised Pre-Masters course e.g. CRIC

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola with a grade of E-A depending on the course

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • Kandidatexamen or Magisterexamen with minimum grade godkänd.

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • French-speaking: Certificat de Maturité / Certificat de Capacité with overall grade 4 (1-6 scale)
                                        • German-speaking: Maturitätsausweis / Eidgenössisch anerkanntes kantonales Maturitätszeugnis /  Berufsmaturitätszeugnis / Fachmaturität / Fähigkeitszeugnis with overall grade of 4 (1-6 scale)
                                        • Italian-speaking: Attestato di Maturità / Attestato di Capacità with overall grade of 4 (1-6 scale)
                                        • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                        • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme (see list accessed from main menu)

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • French-speaking: Diplôme / Licence awarded by a recognised university with overall grade of 4 (1-6 scale)
                                        • German-speaking: Diplom / Lizentiat / Staatsdiplom awarded by a recognised university with overall grade of 4 (1-6 scale)
                                        • Italian-speaking: Diploma / Licenza awarded by a recognised university with overall grade of 4 (1-6 scale)
                                        • Bachelor degree with overall grade of 4 (1-6 scale)
                                        • Successful completion of recognised Pre-Masters course e.g. CRIC

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        •  Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with 70% or above
                                        • IB Diploma with 24 points
                                        • 91Ƶ approved foundation programme

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • Bachelor degree (Licence/Al-Ijâza fi) with an overall average of 60% or above from Public Universities
                                        • Bachelor degree (Licence/Al-Ijâza fi) with an overall average of 70% or above from Private Universities
                                        • Successful completion of recognised Pre-Masters course e.g. CRIC

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with 65%
                                        • Senior Vocational High School Leaving Certificate with marks of 75% or above to be considered on a case by case basis.
                                        • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                        • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme 

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • Bachelor degree awarded by a National University with 65%.
                                        •  Bachelor degree awarded by all other recognised institutions with 70%.
                                        •  Associate degree / Junior College Diploma followed by a 2-year top-up Bachelor degree programme at a recognised insitution

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSEE) with grades CCC at Principle level
                                        • Ordinary Diploma/Diploma with Lower Second Class
                                        • IB Diploma of 24 points 
                                        • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • Bachelor degree with Lower Second Class
                                        • Diploma in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering awarded by Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology with 60%

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with CGPA 2.5/4.0
                                        • Associate Degree/Advanced Diploma with CGPA 2.5/4.0
                                        • Diploma or Higher Certificate in Vocational or Technical Education with CGPA 2.5/4.0
                                        • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                        • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme (see list accessed from main menu)

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • Bachelor degree awarded by Assumption University or Rangsit University with CGPA 2.3/4.0
                                        • Bachelor degree awarded by a Tier 1 Institutions with CGPA 2.3 (see list adjacent)
                                        • Bachelor degree awarded by other recognised instutitions with CGPA 2.5/4.0
                                        • Higher Diploma of Technical/Vocational Education accepted to technical/professional programmes with CGPA 3.0/4.0 (Grade B/Good)

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
                                        • Associate degree from The University of the West Indies, St Augustine or approved by the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago
                                        • GCE Advanced Level with grades CCC
                                        • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                        • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme (see list accessed from main menu)

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • Bachelor degree from the University of the West Indies with 2:2 (GPA 2.0/4.0)

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                        • Baccalauréat (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire) with grade 14 in all subjects
                                        • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                        • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                                        For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                        • Maîtrise / Licence with grade 11
                                        • Diplôme National d'Ingénieur / Diplôme National d'Architectureor with grade 11
                                        • Docteur en Médecine / Vétérinaire with grade 11

                                        For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                          • High School Diploma (Lise Diplomasi) from a specified school (see link adjacent) with GPA 3.8/5.0
                                          • Successful completion of the first year of a bachelor degree (Lisans Diplomasi) from a specified university with CGPA 2.2/4.0
                                          • Successful completion of the first year of a bachelor degree from other recognised instutitions with CGPA 2.5/4.0
                                          • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                          • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme 

                                          For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                            • Bachelor degree (Lisans Diplomasi) from a specified university with CGPA 2.2/4.0 (see link adjacent)
                                            • Bachelor degree (Lisans Diplomasi) from other recognised instutitions with CGPA 2.5/4.0
                                            • Bachelor degree (Muhendisligi Diplomasi) Engineering Diploma with CGPA 2.5/4.0

                                            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                            • Diploma of Specialised Secondary Education (Diplom yörite orta bilim barada) with grade 3
                                            • Diploma of Vocational Education (Orta hünär bilimi hakynda diplom) with grade 3
                                            • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with grade 3
                                            • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                            • CRIC or Anglia Ruskin approved Foundation Programme

                                            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                            • Diploma of Higher Education (Ýokary bilim hakynda şahadatnama / diplom) awarded after 2007 with grade 3
                                            • Successful completion of recognised Pre-Masters course e.g. CRIC

                                            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                            • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised undergraduate degree with a GPA of 2.5
                                            •  International Foundation Group University Foundation Programme (studied at Khawarizmi International College) with 50%/grade C. IFG Internal test with 15-16 in each skill and 17-18 overall is comparable to IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each skill.
                                            • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                            • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme

                                            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                            • Bachelor degree with a CGPA 2.6

                                            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                            • Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with grades CCC at Principle level
                                            • IB Diploma of 24 points 
                                            • 91Ƶ approved foundation programme 
                                            • Diploma from a public university or an institution accredited by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) with 60%

                                            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                            •  Bachelor degree with Second Class Lower

                                            For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                            • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with 60%
                                            • IB Diploma with 24 points
                                            • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                                            For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                              • A recognised pre-masters course
                                              • Bachelor degree with average 60%
                                              • Specialist Diploma with grade 3

                                              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                              • Título de Bachillerato Diversificado with grade 9
                                              • Título de Bachillerato Tecnólogico with grade 9
                                              • IB Diploma with 24 points 
                                              • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                                              For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                              • Título de Licenciado with grade 6
                                              • Título awarded after 4 or more years of study with grade 6

                                              For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                                • High School Graduation Diploma Grade B/ CGPA 3.0 or above plus one of the following: 
                                                  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT 1), administered prior to spring 2016: a minimum score of 550 in each of the three sections (Maths, Critical Reading and Writing);
                                                  • New Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), administered beginning spring 2016: a minimum of 610 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and a minimum of 570 in Maths ;
                                                  • Two Advanced Placement Tests (APs) in subjects relevant to the study area with grade 3;
                                                  • ACT (American College Test) with a composite score of 23 or above.
                                                • First year of a 4-year Bachelors course (a minimum of 30 credit/study hours completed) with a CGPA of 2.7
                                                • IB Diploma with 24 points
                                                • 91Ƶ Approved Foundation Programme with 24 points

                                                For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                                • Bachelor degree with final GPA of 2.7

                                                For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                                • 1 year in a recognised Bachelors degree with an overall average of 71% or above

                                                For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                                • Bakalavr degree with an overall average of 71% or above
                                                • A recognised pre-masters course

                                                For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                                • Título de Técnico Superior Universitario with 14/20
                                                • IB Diploma with 24 points 

                                                For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                                • Título de Licenciado / Título de [subject area] (Licenciatura) with 8/10 or above, 14/20

                                                For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                                • Successful completion of the first year of a recognised bachelor degree with a 7.0/10.00
                                                • IB Diploma with 24 points 

                                                For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                                • A recognised pre-masters course 
                                                • Bachelor degree (Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc / Bang Cu Nhan) with 7.0/10.0

                                                For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                                • 6 CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) units / CXC Associate Degree with grades 4 and above
                                                • Associate degree from a recognised institution with good grades 
                                                • International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points
                                                • 91Ƶ approved Foundation Programme 

                                                For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                                • Bachelor degree from the University of the West Indies with 2:2 (GPA 2.0/4.0)

                                                For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                                • Advanced Certificate awarded by the Examinations Council of Zambia with 50%
                                                • IB diploma with 24 points
                                                • 91Ƶ approved foundation programme 

                                                For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                                  • A recognised pre-masters course
                                                  • Bachelor degree (4+ years duration) with overall 56-60% (Grade C+)

                                                  For admission into Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme:

                                                  •  Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level with grade CCC
                                                  • IB Diploma with 24 points
                                                  • 91Ƶ approved Foundation programme 

                                                  For admission into a postgraduate degree programme:

                                                  •  Bachelor Degree (Honours) with Second Class Lower

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